Friday, February 10, 2023

Protect Sibuyan Island! “ Galapagos of Asia “ is being destroyed by nickel mining

Sibuyan Island at Romblon also known as The  “ Galapagos of Asia “ because of it’s majestic scenery and view.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has ordered Altai Philippines Mining, a firm owned by “Plastics King” William Gatchalian, to stop its operations in Romblon due to lack of permits.

The DENR issued the order stopping Altai’s operations on Saturday after locals clashed with police in their quest to halt the mining activities.

Source: Romblon News

Let us show our support to the community of Sibuyan Island with their fight for this cause because this is not just their fight but this can also be a national crisis. No to mining in Sibuyan

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