Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Operation Undead showing this Oct 30 at Ayala Malls Cinemas

Intense, nerve-wracking, and heartbreaking, prepare for an invasion beyond conquering one’s
land. Catch Operation Undead in Ayala Malls cinemas this October 30, 2024.

Operation Undead is a suspense-thriller Thai zombie movie by seasoned director Kome KongKiat Komesiri, starring Awat Ratanapintha, Chanon Santinatornkul, and Nobu Watanabe. It tells the story of brothers Mek (Chanon Santinatornkul) and Mok (Awat Ratanapintha), who get caught up in a war and a crisis no one saw coming.

Set in 1941, Chumphon Province in Thailand during World War II. It follows the story of brothers Mek and Mok, who are complete opposites and have different principles in life. Mek is a disciplined gentleman who plays by the rules and is a part of the Thailand army, while Mok is a free-spirited young man and a troublemaker who loves to explore and spend time with friends and family.

As the war begins, Mok is forced to join the army and tasked to defend his country against Japanese invaders. Little did they know, the Japanese army has a secret weapon, a zombie-like soldier who attacks and infects anyone it bites. The infected soldiers lose their sense of humanity and wreak havoc amongst their fellow men and innocent citizens.

It is now up to Thailand Army officials, like Mek, to put a stop to the chaos as they are ordered to eliminate the infected ones, even men from their troops. Much to Mek’s surprise, he will come face-to-face with his brother Mok who is now infected and slowly losing sanity.

Will Mek still follow orders or will he spare his brother? Is there still a way for Mok to recover and bring back his old self or is it too late for him to be saved?

This is not your typical zombie horror movie. Rush to the cinemas and watch Operation Undead this October 30, 2024 exclusively at Ayala Malls Cinemas nationwide.

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